Friday, April 19, 2013

Well another week over in sunny Northern Territory
Things are getting busier as the tourist season starts up, although its still a bit hot yet, as the tempretures drop, the southerners will have their winter holidays in our warmer climate.

You can always tell the locals and visitors apart here, the locals will be wrapped up in thick winter jackets, scafs and beanies and the tourists will have shorts and t-shirts on ,maybe a light jacket if the wind is up

I always laugh to myself as i race into the shop in the middle of winter with that many layers of clothing on i can hardly move, and i pass some one in t-shirt and shorts!! sure enough as i come out of the shop i will see them getting into a caravan parked up the street.

Of course i guess its just what you get used to!!

Now we are about to enter our dry season, although this year we have not had much of a wet season, so it will be interesting, some people are predicting a wet winter, now that will be very interesting , i hope it does not get too cold !!

Wet season in Alice springs

Dry season in Alice springs 

Well I guess only time will tell what this winter will bring !,
I'll be sure to keep you posted 

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