Wednesday, April 24, 2013

my list of things you might need for a new baby

Here's my list of items you need for a new baby, it's crazy how much stuff a small person needs!!
These are all the things i needed !!

you can get all these things and more at my great one stop online shop

In Australia, there are organisations that investigate, report and rate safety standards in relation to baby products. This system also provides mandatory safety regulations to be applied to a few items such as cots and baby car seats or capsules. The following is an overview of these Australian organisations and how they work. If you do not live in Australia, you may have similar organisations in your own country.

Cot or cradle
  • For some reason we just had a porta cot and just used that for both our kids, we didn't even bother with a proper cot ! worked for us . there are so many to choose from depending on your needs

Product Details

Cot bedding
  • a clean, firm well-fitting mattress,
  • a waterproof sheet or mattress protector,
  • two sets of sheets, flannelette or cotton,
  • depending on time of year a sleeping bag for cold weather, a muslin wrap for hot weather.

Change table
  • I absoulutly could not live without mine !!!! I loved it for storage of course, but it made it so easy to change the kids especially as they got older and i did not have to chase them all over the lounge room
Product Details

Car restraint

  • compulsery .

    • .Pram
      • good luck! there are so many to choose from and depends on your needs

      • you can get a baby bath or just use a bath, sink or bucket
      • lots of towels .
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      • lots of maternity bras
      • Washable breastpads, or disposable
      • Breast pump and at least 2 bottles for expressing - if your going to do that
      • Bottles and sterilisers



      Well need i say more!, so much easier to feed a child in a highcahir

      Smaller items
      • Disposables. Three packets to start with. Look for specials and stock up. Baby can easily go through 6 to 8 nappies a day.
      • Cloth nappies are a popular option. You will need 3 dozen of the old-fashioned style that also needs fasteners, nappy liners and overpants and 2 nappy buckets.
      • Fitted cloth nappies in all colours and patterns are another option.
      • Nappy rash cream and baby wipes.
      I used both cloth and disposable , and they are both great.
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      Nappy bags are great for carrying everthing around
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      • If your lucky you will get so much stuff given to you, from friends and relatives, but dint buy too much as they grow so fast, having said that it is nothing unusual to go through 3 or 4 outfits a day !!

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      babies can go through an incredible amount of soaps and lotions, powder and creams !! If your lucky you will have got a heap of toletry packs from family and friends, look out for specials and buy up!

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      Extra itemsThese items are non-essentials, but they can be handy.
      • Sling or baby carrier
      • Baby monitor - i cant live without this - you can also get monitors that alet you if your baby stops breathing
      • rattles
      • teething rings
      • bonjela
      • toys
      • sun shade for the car
      • Bouncer or baby seat
      • Portable cot
      • Mobiles for the cot
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      All this even before you get home from the hospital !!!

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