Tuesday, April 30, 2013

gold mining tennant creek


we have been going prospecting around tennant creek, looking for gold, .

there are a few rules and these websites can fill you in www.prospectingaustralia.com.au

You have to be careful where you go and weather you need a permit, you can go on crown land but you do need to notify someone, there are public fossiking areas around .
We have been going out to fossicking area 6, the kids love it, they prefer to be outside throwing rocks and climbing trees than being inside !!!
I stay in the shade playing with the kids , while Zac looks around with his gold detector - the mine lab 4000.

Its actually quite relaxing, being out in the bush, there is no one around and it is very peaceful!

The fossiking area is located near "mad micks" - this was a prospector way back - not sure the time, but according to rumor, he either fell down a shaft and or a shaft collapsed on him.  Or someone came too close to his claim and he pushed the other person down a shaft . anyway thats the rumor.


Our first Gold nugget !!!
Just under 2 grams, so we have a long way to go yet before we can stop work LOL!!!

The fossiciking area

Helping Daddy !!

Temperance playing in the shade

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