Saturday, April 27, 2013

Last years wet season

We didn't have a wet season this year, typically central Australia has two seasons , wet ( summer), and dry ( winter) . The pictures below are the front of my house after one afternoon storm
! The rain came down so fast and heavy the whole road flooded within minutes .
Along the Stuart highway and bush tracks and smaller roads, as well as channel country throughout QLD , storms like this can flood and cut the roads within minutes ! Often and luckily the water can go up and down within hours, but of course this is no comfort when your stuck on the side of the road all night !! One year this happened to me , of course you never travel in the wet season if you can help it.  I left winton in the early afternoon, there had been rain about but the roads were still open, 270 Kms later I was caught between two creeks that were too deep and going too fast to cross ! Not happy, but by sunup the water had gone and I continued on to Longreach. 

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