Friday, May 3, 2013

Interesting facts about living in remote australia

Living in rural and remote Australia for the best part of 12 years I can think of no better place to live and have no desire to live in the city. I've lived in remote parts of QLD, WA and the NT. I love it ! I work full time, i have 2 kids, 2 cats and a Guinea pig, so i would love this to be better written and more information --- I'll keep working on it !

I've learned don't travel long distance in the wet season if you can help it, if you do have to travel be prepared for floods, and to sit on the side of the road waiting for creeks to go down
Kangaroos are bad at dawn and dusk, but you can hit one anytime of the day
There are lots of animals that can jump in front of your car at any time and the best thing to do is slow down as much as you can , hold the steering wheel straight and grit your teeth, and brace for impact, a banged up car bonnet is better than being dead in a ditch 
Always carry spare tyres and water

*A census taken in 1828 found that half the population of NSW were Convicts, and that former Convicts made up nearly half of the free population.
Hmmmmm this may explain a lot !!!!

*Homicide - Australia was founded by Convicts. Its homicide rate is 1.8 per 100,000 population. The United States was founded by religious zealots. It's homicide rate is 6.3 per 100,000. Almost 400% greater than Australia.
Hmmmmmmm why am I not surprised !!! 

*It is the 6th largest country in the world, occupying an entire continent of some 7.6 million square kilometres.

*It has the world's 3rd largest ocean territory, spanning three oceans and covering around 12 million square kilometres.
* Vegetation covers nearly 7 million square kilometres or 91 percent of Australia. 
* Most of Australia's exotic flora and fauna cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
*More than 80 percent of Australians live within 100 kilometres of the coast making Australia one of the world's most urbanised coastal dwelling populations.
Australia is one of the most urbanised countries in the world, with over two-thirds (69%) of the population living in major cities. It also has one of the lowest population densities outside of its major cities. Despite the vastness of Australia and the profound impact that this has on the lives of the peoples living in rural and remote areas, relatively little is known about families living in these areas of Australia compared to those living in major cities.  characteristics of families differ between the "city" and the "country" or "bush". While words such as these are used in everyday parlance, it is very difficult to identify exactly where the city ends and the country begins. One way of categorising regions is in terms of the road distance from services, and this is the standard method to define remoteness for statistical purposes in Australia.(Facts Sheet 2011 (March)

*Over two-thirds (69%) of Australians live in major cities, one in five (20%) live in inner regional areas, one in ten (9%) in outer regional areas and around one in forty (2.3%) live in remote or very remote areas (1.5% remote and 0.8% very remote). These figures represented, in 2009, 15.1 million people living in major cities, 4.3 million in inner regional areas, 2.1 million in outer regional areas, 324,000 in remote areas and 174,000 in very remote areas (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2010). 

Anna Creek Station is the world's largest working cattle station. It is located in theAustralian state of South Australia. Its area is roughly 6,000,000 acres (24,000 km2; 9,400 sq mi) which is slightly larger than Israel. It is 1,977,000 acres (8,000 km2; 3,089 sq mi) larger than its nearest rival, Alexandria Station in the country's Northern Territory and eight times the size of the United States biggest ranchKing Ranch in Texas, which is 825,000 acres (3,340 km2; 1,289 sq mi). (Wikipedia , 2012 )
world's smallest continent but sixth-largest country; the only continent without glaciers; population concentrated along the eastern and southeastern coasts

australia population density
anyone with more than a passing knowledge of Australian geography will understand, much of the country is inhospitable with the Interior, or Outback as it’s more commonly called comprising of vast desert and intense heat. As a result, most of its population is concentrated on or around the more hospitable coastal areas.
Overall, Australia’s population density is 2.9 people per square kilometre, making it one of the least densely populated countries in the world – only Mongolia, Western Sahara, Suriname, Mauritania and Botswana have fewer people per square kilometre than Australia. Some parts of Australia are even less densely populated – in the Northern Territory, for example, every square kilometre holds just 0.2 people.(world population review, 2012)



  1. I live in a place very similar to you, half a world away. I was interested in your blog until this:

    "*Homicide - Australia was founded by Convicts. Its homicide rate is 1.8 per 100,000 population. The United States was founded by religious zealots. It's homicide rate is 6.3 per 100,000. Almost 400% greater than Australia.
    Hmmmmmmm why am I not surprised !!!"

    It's ridiculous to compare the founding of two different countries, thousands of miles apart that have evolved over hundreds of years to have different cultures and laws and then subcultures within those. It seems that you were trying to be clever but you just made me feel that the only thing that can absolutely be said of both Australia and the United States is that people who assume too much and judge unfairly exist in both places.
    Fortunately, I know many Aussies and I won't spend my life judging them by your country's history, the behavior of Aussie celebrities, the actions of your politicians, statistics (if you've ever taken a statistics class you would know they can be manipulated to say whatever a person wants them to) or your flippant remarks.
    If you're anything like the lovely Aussies I know, you didn't mean any harm, but when you put something on the internet, what you say represents who you are to the entire world.
    Take care in the future.

  2. Facts are facts, and if you really know Aussies, you will know we find humour in anything . Why are you so upset over some light hearted facts and comments, perhaps it's an observation on religion not on the two countries ???I think you've put too much time and thought into this . Clearly we have different cultures, laws and subcultures. It is quite obvious that there would be many other variables to consider in relation to those numbers, with the founding populations of each country being way way down on the list !!
    Don't read if you don't like it
    Cheers :)
