Saturday, May 4, 2013

Bits and peices from when i was living on the Aboriginal communities

Here is a few photos of when i was living out on the remote Aboriginal communities, mostly on the Tanami (Tanami desert).  I loved it out there, the work was bloody hard, the hours were long, the stress was incredible, the lack of support was unbelievable, there was limited access to food, especially fresh fruit and vegetables the weight just fell off me, i got sick, i got nits ! But i just loved it !!! The work rarely rewarding but when it was it was totally worth it !
A Dingo, the poor thing was that run down, I used to feed her my left overs and she slept at my front door, this was while i was relieving at a small community on the Tanami, in the background you can see the Ambulance i used to drive .

On the way up the Cape (Cape york) to work at Lockhart River

My backyard

The Ambulance at the front of my house

The air strip

My vege garden

 My house

The clinic treatment room
A Centipede, this once crawled past my foot, while i was sitting out the back having a smoke.  There was a bigger one in my bed one night, i was so lucky it didn't bite me (the Local ladies said it would have made me very sick) Centipedes are not deadly in Australia but they do hurt. Needless to say it was some weeks before i stopped stripping my bed every night!!

The Ambulance

Down the road from the community at sunset

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