Saturday, March 9, 2013

I hate flying!

Wow, I really hate flying !!!
We were off to my brothers wedding, since its a three day drive from his house , I reluctantly decided to fly, it's only 500 Km's to the airport about 4.5 hrs drive if the kids don't play up too much.
We almost always get a few Kms down the road and one of them decides to poo!!

Anyway off we go, we arrive in Alice Springs, do some shopping, have the mandatory feed of MacDonald's
and take my Daughter to the ENT to check her ears - still a mild hearing loss.

having been up since 0430 we are already tired and the kids are cranky!. we wake up early on Sunday morning having had a horrible night in the motel as the air con didn't work properly and it was too hot and my Daughter grizzled on and off all night with a??mild ear ache or ?? teething

As we go to the airport i swallow a bunch of my air sick pills in hopes they work!

it was a Quantas link flight so no in air entertainment :(
I felt miserable and the kids wanted to run up and down the isles!
Then the landing into Brisbane was rough due to the weather , we had to bank around and the planes engines kept speeding up and slowing down until i was convinced we were going to crash!

after a torturous landing i was finally on safe ground.
Then we had to find the hire car and get ourselves of to dads house , but not after we discover one of our bags had been lost !! it was one with the toiletries in it too

after an eventful week of dress and shoe shopping, as well as eating every take out and junk food available, we were up at 6.30,  we packed up, we had to buy another suitcase to get back on the plane !! we had brought all the kids winter clothes lol.
I swolled a bunch of air sick pills and gritted my teeth as i got back on the plane!
This time there was in air entertainment and i watched life of PI in between trying to ignore the fact i was on a plane and dealing with two restless kids
about 30 mins prior to landing both kids pitched a fit and about 15 mins prior to landing they were fast asleep - un bloody believable!!  We were desperately trying to shush them so the other passengers didn't get upset it was horrible !

Finally we land - bundle everyone and everything off the plane
race off to woolies, grab a few bits and pieces and start the 4.5 hour journey home finally arriving home just before 7 pm .

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