Thursday, March 7, 2013

A 10 hr round trip for a 45 min appointment !!!

Living remotely has its perks ! medical care is not one of them.
No offence to the serives provided - I myself am a nurse and the care that can be provided in a small town is often great. its the extra requirements not so much

Well after a 5 hr drive and getting up at 4 am - we made it to Alice springs , We took Temperance to the ENT , still has slight hearing loss( we know that!) one pink ear and no we won't give her grommets come back for a review in 4 months time !! - all of which took about 45 min
Well a night at a hotel and some nice food, a bit of shopping and another 5 hour trip home
About$400 in petrol
$180 for hotel room
Plus food and shopping, which we always buy more than we need lol, can't pass up all the specials !

One of the many challenges of living in the bush

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