Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bloody boils -- please help

My 3.5 year old fell over at child care about 6 weeks ago, and grazed his knee, a few days later it turned into a boil. 4 lots of antibiotics later it still won't heal!!
He's been off his food, grizzly, having the odd day of temperatures and the odd vomit, he keeps getting swollen lymph nodes in his groin, he was completely toilet trained but he's wet the bed a few times, just in such a deep sleep I think

I've been nursing a long time and I've  seen plenty of boils, but not one in the same spot that keeps popping up for several weeks straight

Any ideas anyone ?

I've tried pentavite vitamins
And I've just resorted to sustagen so he's at least getting some nutrients

Anyone else had the same problem ?? 

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