Sunday, February 10, 2013

travel in remote Australia

At the QLD - NT boarder

Just in case you didn't know

The road into a Community in Cape York

a dirt road going to an Aboriginal community

 Stuart Highway

On the tanami desert
Well travel can be interesting in remote Australia!!
It can be long, hard, dangerous .......
Here is some advise - (never drive outside of your comfort or expertise level and ask if unsure)
The sealed roads are often long and straight, there is the danger of hitting a roo, or other animal. I have had quite a few near misses - wedge tail eagles are the worst they are so big and take for ever to get off the ground.  I've also had a few hits, sadly . the worse was a roo, which did jump away but cost me over $2000 and left me in a ditch on the side of the road.  There is also the danger of fatigue and falling asleep, this sadly happens often. blowing a tyre at high speeds in not good either (the speed limit on the highway in the NT is 130km/hr)
Dirt roads can be reasonably easy to travel if you don't get stupid, animals are also a risk, cows, camels, donkeys can be found along these roads as well because there is less traffic to deter them.
wet dirt roads are to be avoided !!! Ive seen quite a few cars almost swallowed by mud. 
Crossing water can be OK but only if you know what you are doing !!!!!
I can't stress that enough, always get out and walk across the water (of course be aware of crocodiles in certain parts then don't go anywhere near the water!), if the water is going fast but only shin deep do not cross, your car will be washed away!  Also be aware not to get washed away yourself or hit by debris of fallen tree branches
If the water is stationary then it can be quite deep and still safe to cross - again only if you are experienced.
never underestimate the dangers of crossing water - i have done so many many times and i am still cautious each time,
Drive safe and if you are unsure always ask a local
bye for now

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