Wednesday, February 6, 2013

new to blogging


As you can tell I'm new to blogging!!
I have lived in rural and remote Australia for about 12 years now and love it !!!
I don't think i could go back to 'city life'

There are a lot of challenges especially before mobile phone service !! - although we just used to pop over to some ones house and yell out 'hello' there was definitely more face to face contact, and of course the local pub was always over flowing and a great way to meet people.

One of the biggest challenges especially if your new to country life is getting access to consumables
one day i wanted to make potato bake so i went to the local shop and yes they had ran out of potatoes !!!
another thing that can be hard to get ---is well just about everything (depending on where you live and how small the town is)
Over the years I've gotten pretty good at either waiting until i traveled into a bigger shopping town which could be months, went without or did online shopping.

That is why i have decided to develop an easy one stop online shop for baby gear

hopefully it will help people get what they need in one easy stop

If you have any questions or comments on outback life i would love to hear from you, and some of the challenges you may have faced.
I will post later some of the other challenges I have had living 'out bush'

bye for now

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