Wednesday, February 20, 2013

cost of food

 The cost of food in remote Australia is increasing, and making it difficult for the average family.
contributing factors are the freight that is required to get the food out here (most of it is far from fresh especially the remoter you go!!).  infrequent deliveries, lack of proper storage, poor display areas, lack of store management expertise, poor planning for the Wet Season, unscrupulous actions and corruption, sometimes double-handling through a secondary wholesaler and poor economies
of scale.( National ruaral and health alliance )

The Fred Hollows Foundation quotes the 2000 NT market basket survey. “In 2000,

the average cost of a basket (of food) in communities in the Katherine region of the
Northern Territory, where the Fred Hollows Foundation works, was $491. In
Katherine, the same basket was $378 and in Darwin $366.” They also describe
poor availability of nutritious food.

The cost of food can be a challenge, as well as the availability, freshness, and variety.
a lot of people will often establish their own gardens and station owners will kill their own meat

The local Aboriginal people often eat bush tucker, this they can hunt and gather for only the cost of the tools and time

Goanna - I'm told by the Aboriginal people that a goanna is a tasty treat, although fatty

whitthey grubs - full of protein

nuts and Berry's found in the Australian bush

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