Thursday, November 26, 2015

Amazing sales !!!




Your Inspiration At home

Love to cook???


Silk oil of Morocco

The best hair and skin products there are !

I live in the middle of Australia -the weather is harsh !
Today the humidity and heat were amazing 

But still perfect hair! 

Get some great Christmas gifts !!! SALE

Check out this website 
And order some great Christmas gifts 
This is a new company to Australia 
And I've joined the team

Super excited ! 



Friday, September 11, 2015

Want great food ?

My friends website ! It has everything !


Well I know this cool chick -Robina
She can do anything and she's living the dream !!

Check out this website

There is Curry paste
There is awesome handmade products

And the best there is emotional renovations !

I was feeling like crap ALL the time

Now I feel great ALL the time

Here is some of what she wrote today
I've been asked heaps of times this week.... So what do you actually do??

Here's the answer.
I hang out with cool chicks who are feeling crazy!
Crazy bad but they wanna feel crazy good.

Often they say things like:
- I don't know what I want/where I want to be in life
- I wish I had more time to do the things I wanna do
- I wanna wake up and actually feel happy instead of going 'oh crap'
- I lie awake worrying about stuff
- I don't even remember who I am anymore

Often they feel:
- overwhelmed
- worried
- like a failure
- out of balance
- angry
- guilty
- lost
- like they can't silence the chaos in their heads

Often they say the WANT to feel:
- happy
- content
- calm
- in control
- peaceful
- energy
- focused

So they get in touch.... we chat on the phopne for about 1/2 an hour to see if we'd be a good fit to work together and then we do...

And when we're done they say things like:
- Thankyou for finding ME in ME so my family could have the best ME I could be.  OMG how luck I am to have met and engaged in the amazingness you have to offer me and so many others.
- I am coping at work!
- I am coping with the kids, I hadly yell at all, in fact the kids have been brilliant for ages.
- I'm not cranky anymore
- There's no fights, no anger, no bitterness,  no resentment, no disappointment anymore
- you've worked a miracle and I really appreciate it.

THIS is what I do.  Work with women to remind them how to find their happy hearts...  feels like togetherness... feels like freedom...

So there ya go Rochelle that's what I do.  If you wanna know HOW I do it, let's chat?  No pushy bossy stuff, just chat.
email me

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Did a 1000km round trip today to get the kids birthday presents and some grocery shopping
Also got a pedicure

Just didn't feel like doing online shopping this time !

It was a good day 

When we get used to violence

My children saw someone die last week

I arrived home from work and they were telling me all about calling the ambulance and the lady crying 'his heart stopped' and how the man put a cloth over the persons face
the ambulance came
the kids went into great detail and i realized they were describing someone had passed away ( i did confirm this )
I don't know how i feel about this - i cant really process it - but maybe no parent knows the answer to how to deal with your children seeing someone die 
maybe i should Google it !
but such is life here  that it really just seemed like a normal day 
who else has a 3 yo and 5 yo that think nothing of witnessing such events 

although i doubt they realize the "death part" its just that they are so used to seeing violence, and calling the ambulance and hearing the wailing that they think its a normal part of a week

Then this evening a lady called out she was bleeding from her head
i took cloths down to help stop the bleeding, the kids were behind me watching we called the ambulance
The lady had been hit with a can of tinned meat and had quite a nasty laceration on the side of her head
The kids watched as the police and ambulance came and took her off to hospital
what did they make of this ???
I dont know they have seen such events since they could lift their heads up and look around

When someone asks how your day was and means it -

When someone asks how your day was and means it -- the reply is not so short and not so 'stock standard'  - Good thank you and how was your day ? No the reply is emotional and long ............
(I did make the last part of my reply into a second blog post titled when we get used to violence)

My lovely friend Robina Sent me an e mail asking how my week was? And this was my reply

You can see her blog and website here  :

Hi Robina!

I got the handmade journal, it is beautiful - too good to write in LOL
Thanks - that brightened my day( these are awesome check them at number45 - they are by artist Chris Bolton form WA)j1

Well I'm still sick, feel miserable, don't want to be at work, but I'm here anyway 
infected sinus, the beginning of tonsillitis .......................

how is my week going you ask ??  - 
I have lost the passion for my work - 2 years in this job and i'm burnt out and don't care
but then that means people will die (no i'm not being dramatic, since you worked here  i know you know how sick the people are here anyway)

this week one person missed 7 x renal dialysis - we found him trying to drive a car - confused and rambling so we called the police to get him out of the car and took him to see the visiting renal consultant. (Not such an easy task in a community where the police are not thought of kindly! Fortunately without giving away confidential information we were able to convey to the onlookers we were worried about his health ).
"if he lives through the night we will see if he will go to [regional hospital] for dialysis "
          Person no: two refuses to go to [regional hospital] for dialysis and is just getting the odd                      dialysis here - she wont go because her daughter died of a sudden illness last year, her                          partner died and she had massive cardiac surgery and a 4 months in ICU 
she will die - or at least considerably shorten her lifespan before she will of to [regional hospital]- I accept that but it doesn't make it any less frustrating or hard.  Trying to coordinate  all the services involved inst easy ether 

Person no: three a 3 year old child that needs weekly medication - her mum was not bringing her into the clinic twice a week so under a lot of consultation we had the medications changed to weekly
she has not been in for 6 weeks ! we cannot find them this week
DCF closed the case earlier this year - i got them to re open it 
DCF were not aware that they had not attended the clinic for 6 weeks 
nobody followed up on this while i was away
in fact nobody followed up on the children's portfolio at all there are about a page of children that are really complex 
these kids are so sick - i cant spell half there conditions. so I'm not going to list them but believe me when i say OMG

I digress 

Person no: four and five
an elderly couple both with dementia - they keep getting kicked out of families houses so they live in the long grass, she cant push his wheel chair off to a decent homeless camp, which there are a few around here , so she pushes him of the side of the road into some scrub to sleep
with out family, guardianship or enduring power of attorney a nursing home placement is almost impossible although we do try to get them in for respite care occasional 
no medications
no check ups 
no one cares 

I care - but i don't have the energy - i get to work at least an hour late everyday - so disrespectful to be late to work on a regular basis -- but I DON'T CARE 

I cant fight the system any more 

I admit defeat 

and although i KNOW there are no solutions out here , there is no housing, no escape from the grog (alcohol restrictions are useless, grog is coming in on the back roads and being sold at 5 and 6 times the price it was brought for on the black market )
no escape from Domestic violence 
if you keep perspective and set small goals you can make a difference you can keep people alive just that bit longer , or make there already horrible lives just that bit easier and that is enough - I'm not going to save the world, i might not even save someone's life, but i do get to keep people alive just that bit longer to spend with there families, i do get to bring a bit of comfort to an otherwise hard life
(and in doing that have actually saved a life or two, a happy 'side effect' for lack of a better term). 

Yet knowing all that, practicing all that for the last two years and i have somehow been overwhelmed and am admitting defeat 
(although not out loud, not yet - every now and then a ray of hope pokes through the grey clouds)

I didn't mention that being involved in this community for 9 years
and working so closely with an Aboriginal elder and health worker, working in the town camps - or community living areas ,
I have my own skin name
I hardly need anything translated, i can understand more than i can speak Walpri but it is enough to get buy
I have learnt a lot of the culture and how to navigate it 
In doing that i am also privy to some of the hopelessness and the facts , story's and the events of the everyday life's out here, more so than most people, more than people sitting in an office or clinic anyway 
the smell of poverty is not something that can be breathed lightly 
hearing the story of a 6 year old that has been raped, or someone that has been beaten, someone that is dying or homeless or starving from the community, from the family is a lot different to hearing it on the news 
hearing it while standing in filth, breathing in the rotten garbage smell, the smell of overcrowding and unwashed bodies seeing the mange covered dogs and the children running around with sores and green snot dripping onto their top lips
is a lot different to hearing it in the sterile environment of a hospital or clinic.

Anyway that's my week, thanks for asking - I mean it - no one asks 

Oh and i think this e-mail covers your question on "something most people don't know about you"
in short - i'm not as happy as i appear and i'm quietly admitting defeat 

I hope you have a lovely weekend 

I'm planning on some packing and tidying of the house 


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

what, in your view, is the moral relationship between humans and the environment?

 what, in your view, is the moral relationship between humans and the environment?


Human kind has an obligation both a moral and an ethical one, to look after and protect the environment not only for now but for future generations.  If Human kind is to survive long enough to evolve and go on then the world we live in needs to be cared for and respected.

A second opinion held by some environmental philosophers is that we have no moral obligation to future generations as they cannot reciprocate.  This actually seems quite harsh, without moral obligation to the environment then there would unlikely be a planet for our descendants to inhabit

Anthropocentrism literally means “human-centeredness “. An anthropocentric ethic claims that only human beings are morally considerable in their own right, meaning that all the direct moral obligations we possess, including those we have with regard to the environment, are owed to our fellow human beings. The moral obligation between humans and the environment exists now, because it is our environment, our home that is being effected by damaged being caused to the environment.

A third view is Early Christian views which show that humans have no responsibility towards the environment as humans are given a dominion over it. This means that God has given humans authority over the earth, animals and plants

The granting of moral standing to future generations - Human beings who do not yet exist, is considered necessary because of the fact that many environmental problems, such as climate change and resource depletion, will affect future humans much more than they affect present ones.

Although having said this the question remains who are the future human beings.

The relationship between the environment and humans can be complicated, as human morals are individualized and humans place values on things that are important to them so a farmer may have a stronger moral view on the environment than say an oil or office worker.

In the end my view is that humans individually and collectively have a moral relationship to the environment in order to protect ourselves and future generations of all living forms from harm.


345 words


Brennan, A & Lo, YS 2010, Understanding environmental philosophy, Acumen, Durham UK, pp. 18-37.

Carson, R 2000, Silent Spring, Penguin, London, pp. 21-30.

Hardin, G 2005, 'Who Cares for Posterity?', in LP Pojman (ed.), Environmental ethics: readings in theory and application, 4th ed., Wadsworth, Belmont CA, pp. 324-30.

Westra, L & ECI 2005, 'The Earth Charter: From Global Ethics to International Law Instrument', in LP Pojman (ed.), Environmental ethics: readings in theory and application, 4th ed., Wadsworth, Belmont CA, pp. 590-6.


Australian Indigenous Income Management

Australian Indigenous income management

Part 1: The Case


As the indigenous population in Australia reaches almost 700,000 (2011 census) (Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2011) The Australian welfare programs for the Indigenous have seen some changes in recent years.  While many Australians enjoy world class health and education systems, many indigenous particularly those living in remote areas live in improvised conditions. There is substandard housing, problems with alcohol, domestic violence, high crime rates and low school attendance. During the 2007 Howard government intervention income management was brought into the Northern territory as a way of helping Indigenous manage their incomes. Using social justice and human rights frameworks this case study examines the current income management programs in the Northern Territory


Case overview

Australia has a significant history when it comes to the indigenous population one of

abuse, genocide, stolen generation and lack of human rights.  In 1883 the board for protection of aborigines was established, they later changed their name to the aborigine welfare board (The State Records Authority of New South Wales, 1995).


The duties of the new Board were to: apportion, distribute and apply moneys for the relief or benefit of Aboriginal people; or to assist them in obtaining employment; maintain them whilst employed or otherwise to assist them to become assimilated into the general life of the community; distribute blankets, clothing, and relief to Aboriginal people; provide for the custody and maintenance of Aboriginal children; manage and regulate the use of reserves; exercise a general supervision and care over all Aboriginal people and over all matters affecting their interests and welfare, and to protect them against injustice, imposition and fraud; arrange for the inspection at regular intervals of each station and training school under the control of the Board.( The State Records Authority of New South Wales,1995)


While there has been some changes to the Aboriginal welfare board, and Aboriginal policies including name changes, The Howard Governments 2007 intervention close the gap strategies remain similar to the duties carried out in 1883  (Cox, 2015; Buckmaster & Ey, 2012). 


According to Altman and Sanders (1995) after the 1967 referendum Australian aborigines subsequently became very dependent on welfare.  Some Authors including famous Aboriginal leader Noel Pearson describe the past aboriginal welfare system as the downfall of aboriginal society and what has led to a cycle of dependence on welfare, alcohol abuse, domestic violence, unemployment, vulnerable children and irresponsibility (Davidoff & Duas, 2008). Income management came about after the report on allegations of serious sexual abuse of children in Aboriginal communities, the report is called The little children are scared (Korff, 2015; Gibson, 2012).  The Howard Government introduced Income Management into the Northern Territory as a way of assisting welfare recipients (Gibson, 2015).  In order for the Howard Government to do this the Anti-Discrimination Act had to be suspended in order to pass policy on income management (ACOSS, 2009).


Income management was automatically applied to all indigenous persons on Centrelink benefits living in the Northern territory everyone received a Basics card, where a percentage of their center link benefits were put on the card.  (Korff, 2015). The card requires a pin number and at first could only be used at some shops, now there is a greater range of shops the Basics card can be used at. The Basics card cannot be used to buy alcohol, tobacco, pornography or some takeaway foods. (Korff, 2015).

Some authors suggest that Income management was brought into control what Aborigines in the Northern Territory could spend their money on, (Gibson, 2012; Korff, 2015; Bielefeld, 2012).  These authors suggest that Income Management has a negative and discriminatory impact on Aboriginal peoples in the Northern Territory (Gibson, 2012; Korff, 2015; Bielefeld, 2012).


A second type of income management is used and is popular in some parts of the Northern Territory, the individual arranges a certain amount of their money to go to a particular shop each pay week, including to rental agencies or other bills such as electricity, where they can either save it up for larger items, such as white goods or furniture or to shops including butchers, grocery shops or other retail outlets where they can get food and other essential items (Gibson, 2012).  This negates the need of having a pin based card (Korff, 2015).


The objective of income management set by the Howard Government in 2007 has been to reduce immediate hardships by directing welfare payments to those who need them, help people on welfare payments obtain essential items and reduce the amount of money spent on alcohol tobacco pornography and gambling ( Buckmaster & Ey, 2012; Korff, 2015; Dvidoff & Duas, 2008) . Income management is also used to help people with budgeting and reduce vulnerable people on welfare from being harassed and abused for their payments (Korff, 2015).  Income management is also used to encourage socially responsible behavior (Buckmaster & Ey, 2012; Korff, 2015; Dvidoff & Duas, 2008).


There are Advantages and disadvantages to these two types of income management.  Firstly it allows vulnerable people access to money in order to buy food or other essential items when needed. (Korff, 2015) Studies have found that there have been benefits to children women and the elderly on income management as they have been able to access food clothing and other essential items. The individual can control the pin number, if they have a basics card or go to a shop their money is at, to get purchase essential items (ACOSS, 2009)

Income management is designed to help recipients budget and reduce the amount of cash funds for alcohol, tobacco and gambling (Buckmster & Ey, 2012)

Disadvantages include there was no or limited consultation with Aboriginal people regarding this program , and income management was initially limited to Indigenous people in the Northern Territory with a trial program in Cape York Queensland (QLD).  Recently the government has expanded income management to other areas in QLD and to people of all ethnic backgrounds. Income management and basics cards, or the shops that allow Basic Card use for welfare recipients is not yet Australia wide (Bielefield, 2013; social policy research, ACOSS, 2009; Cox, 2015).

         People only have access to a certain amount of cash money to purchase other items individuals on income management have reported not changing what they spend their money on and feeling more shamed and embarrassed because they are on income management. (Korff, 2015).


          Key stakeholders are the Indigenous people of the northern territory, Centrelink which is managed under the department of human services to deliver a wide range of services to Who provide the basics cards an income management

The government who implemented this policy and the shop keepers that provide facilities to have the basics card or those that sell items that cannot be accessed by basic card holders such as tobacco and alcohol outlets. The stakeholder are all effected in different ways by income management



Summary of issues


Income management was introduced in the Northern Territory by the Howard government in 2007 it includes allocating a certain percentage of money onto the basics card, which restricts what people can use the money for Income management can also be allocating a certain amount of money to various shops.

The government had to suspend the anti- discrimination act to pass the policy on income management

           The objectives of income management include:

Reduce immediate hardships

Help recipients obtain essential items

Reduce the amount of money spent on alcohol, tobacco and pornography

There is some evidence that income management has aided vulnerable people

However income management policy was not done in consultation with the indigenous and there is evidence to suggest income management has not met all its objectives (ACOSS, 2009)


Part 2: Analysis and possible recommendation


Welfare and social justice considerations;

Social justice can be described as the fair distribution of resources among the population.  In Australia social justice is about making sure all peoples have the right to choose how they live and the ability in which to make those choices (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2014) Social Justice is grounded in everyday life and according to the social justice commissioner (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2014) Social justice is about housing with running water and sanitation, the right to education, employment and good health.  For the indigenous peoples of Australia it is also about recognising them as the original owners of the land with a right to a distinct culture and status, the right to land and the right to self determination. Social justice is up held when the rights of indigenous peoples are promoted. (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2014; Social Justice Report 2007; Social policy research Centre (SPRC), 2015).

            People on welfare often face more discrimination find it harder to gain education, seek employment (Murphy, Murray, Chalmers, Martin & Marston 2011).  The shame people feel while on welfare and the social injustice they experience is high.  Income management takes peoples ability away to manage their income and therefore resources as they see fit.

Making income management less obvious for those that choose to be on it

Reducing the stigma of welfare in Australia would be beneficial to recipients

There is no doubt that there are vulnerable people that could benefit from income management.  The anti-discrimination act that had to be suspended in order for the Howard government to put income management into place should be reinstated


Human rights considerations

Human rights are rights that are inherent to all human beings regardless of culture, sex, place of residence or any other status.  Human beings all over the world are entitled to human rights which are inherent, invisible and interrelated without discrimination. (Almond, 1993)

In order for the government to roll out the income management scheme in 2007 the racial discrimination act had to be suspended (Gibson, P, 2012). In Australian law the right to nondiscrimination is excluded on the basis of a persons status such as homeless, on welfare or unemployed. The United Nations states that all human beings have the right to nondiscrimination regardless of social status (Human Rights Commission, 2014)

By implementing income management several human rights were breached these include the right to self-determination the choice of how income is managed has been taking away from people. The income management policy interferes with the right to use personal income.  Freedom of movement when the basics card was implemented not all stores accepted the card, and the system is not set up in other states and territorys making it difficult for people to move around Australia freely (Bielefeld, 2013; Bielefeld, 2012; ACOSS, 2009).

Indigenous land rights were disregarded and 5 year leases of indigenous lands were obtained without consultation with indigenous people.

The government when implementing income management did so after the report The Little Children are Scared was released that showed children in Aboriginal communities to be vulnerable. The objective of income management was to reduce immediate hardships

Help recipients obtain essential items, Reduce the amount of money spent on alcohol, tobacco and pornography


There are reports that many people forced to go on income management feel as if they have no control over their lives and that having a basics card has not improved the ability to buy or have access to essential items (Korff, 2015)

Low income earners are more likely to experience a breach in their civil and political rights

From a human rights perspective mandatory income management that has been introduced into the Northern territory has breached human rights by not consulting with the people it applies to, by not allowing freedom of movement and self- determination in management of funds (Korff, 2015).

The government has advocated that income management policies need to be evidence based, to ensure they are meeting the objectives.

There are cases being made by indigenous peoples and organisations for voluntary income management Income management and the use of basics cards needs to be in consultation with Indigenous peoples (Gibson, 2012).  Other changes that can lessen the impact income management has on people include - restrictions from basics cards removed, giving people the right to manage their resources and the availability of shops allowing the use of basics cards Australia Wide


Summary of recommendations


From a welfare and social justice perspective

   Income management should not be discriminatory 

   The anti-racial discrimination act should be reinstated

   Either all welfare recipients should be subject to compulsory income management or no welfare recipients should be subject to it.  Income management could be valuable to certain people and be available as a voluntary option.

   Public policy change to make welfare recipients less recognizable


From a human rights perspective

   Income management including basics cards should be voluntary

   Income management policies should be done in consultation with aboriginal peoples

   Income management is beneficial to vulnerable people, so should be available to those who require / wish to have it

   Basics cards should be less restrictive on what is able to purchase with them

   Basics cards should be available to use at all stores Australia wide



Part 3: Final recommendation

Income management should remain an option for people on welfare as there is no doubt that vulnerable people are taken advantage of and results show that some people find using the basics card to access essential items beneficial, there is also evidence that supports the view of many people finding income management discriminatory and shameful (Buckmaster & Ey, 2012; Korff, 2015; Dvidoff & Duas, 2008). Compulsory income management has breached human rights, Income management should be voluntary and in consultation with the people receiving it.


 The negative views around income management and basics card need to be removed, through de stigmatization allowing people receiving welfare payments to have the same rights afforded to all Australians  and making recipients more anonymous (Gibson, 2015).  The stigma of welfare and income management in Australia needs to be reduced this will improve human rights for people receiving welfare, by taking a way the shame they feel, and allowing people to access education and employment

The anti-discrimination act should be reinstated and any income management programs in line with the criteria outlined in the act.  The removal of the Anti-Discrimination act breached human rights and is quite damaging to the Aboriginal peoples (Buckmaster & Ey, 2012; Korff, 2015; Dvidoff & Duas, 2008).



Total word count: 2667

Word count without quotes and references: 2280



Reference list


Almond, B 1993, 'Rights', in P Singer (ed.), A Companion to Ethics, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 259-69.

Altman & Sanders, 1995, discussion paper 193 center for aboriginal economic policy. Centre for Aboriginal economic policy research


Australian Human Rights Commission 2014,:// Viewed 02/06/2014.


Australian Bureau of Statistics 2011, Australian Capital Territory in focus 2002, cat. no. 1307.8, ABS, Canberra.


Bielefeld, S 2012, Compulsory Income Management and Indigenous Australians: Delivering Social Justice or Furthering Colonial Domination?, Sydney law Journal Vol 35 (2) p301 -315.


Bielefeld, S, 2013, Compulsory Income Management and Indigenous Peoples- Exploring Counter Narratives Amidst Colonial Constructions of Vulnerability, Sydney Law Journal Vol 36 : 695 p 21-45



Buckmaster & Ey, 2012, is income management working? Social policy section: Parliament of Australia, Department of Parliamentary Services.


Cox, 2015, Income Management, University of Technology, Sydney.


Davidoff & Duas, 2008, income management


Gibson, P, 2012, Income management in the Northern Territory, racism is still the issue. Jumbunna Indigeous House of Learning  



Korff,J, 2015, Northern territory, Emergency Response (NTER)- the . Viewed 26/5/15


Murphy, J, Murray, S, Chalmers, J, Martin, S & Marston, G 2011, Half a citizen: life on welfare in Australia, in Allen & Unwin, Sydney, pp. 1-21.



Social Justice Report 2007 - Chapter 3: The Northern Territory 'Emergency Response' intervention


Social policy research Centre (SPRC), 2015,university of new south wales and Australian Institute of family studies, evaluation framework for new income management (NIM), prepared for the Department of familys, housing, Community Services and in diagnosis SPRC,


Submission to the National Human Rights Consultation. ACOSS, June 2009, Australian Council of Social Service



The States records Authority of New South Wales, 2015 Copyright the States Record Authority of New South Wales Viewed 01/06/2015




WAR - what is it good for !!

According to the jus ad bellum tradition established by Augustine and Aquinas, the third requirement for a just war is “rightful intention”, which is either “the advancement of good, or the avoidance of evil”. Olen et al (2005, p. 305) ask, “How should we determine what a rightful intention is? By whose standards should we judge the advancement of ‘good’?”


For a just war these things should be considered

·                  The war must be for a just cause.

·                  The war must be lawfully declared by a lawful authority.

·                  The intention behind the war must be good.

·                  All other ways of resolving the problem should have been tried first.

·                  There must be a reasonable chance of success.

·                  The means used must be in proportion to the end that the war seeks to achieve.


One of the criteria for a just war is the intention behind the war must be good or  ‘rightful’ To determine rightful intention these things must be in place

·                  Creating, restoring or keeping a just peace

·                  Righting a wrong

·                  Assisting the innocent.

These can be seen as rightful intention, which according to St. Aquinas (Aquinas was a 13th century priest and friar) is the advancement of good or the avoidance of evil.


It is also the responsibility of the governments and the people to ensure rightful intention is maintained.

Standards used to judge the advancement of good should be those used by all of mankind

In the current international system it is the responsibility of the United Nations (UN), and in particular the UN Security Council, to assess the causes of war and decide whether or not a particular war is legitimate or justified. In addition, individual states retain the sovereign right to self-defence: ‘Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations’.

Charter of the United Nations, Chapter 1, Article 51, located at 27/05/15

The UN Security Council was formed before the cold war, now it is evident that each country is more independent of each other and the differences in which each country might think is just or unjust s probably evident over the last 30 years with various civil wars, Afganhastan, Iraq and now the war on terrorism. In the end it is up to humanity to judge the advancement of good and avoid evil, the outcome of how well humanity will do will be no doubt judged by future generations.

346 words without references

318 without quote          



Luban, D 1980, 'Just War and Human Rights', Philosophy & Public Affairs, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 160-81.