Friday, September 11, 2015

Want great food ?

My friends website ! It has everything !


Well I know this cool chick -Robina
She can do anything and she's living the dream !!

Check out this website

There is Curry paste
There is awesome handmade products

And the best there is emotional renovations !

I was feeling like crap ALL the time

Now I feel great ALL the time

Here is some of what she wrote today
I've been asked heaps of times this week.... So what do you actually do??

Here's the answer.
I hang out with cool chicks who are feeling crazy!
Crazy bad but they wanna feel crazy good.

Often they say things like:
- I don't know what I want/where I want to be in life
- I wish I had more time to do the things I wanna do
- I wanna wake up and actually feel happy instead of going 'oh crap'
- I lie awake worrying about stuff
- I don't even remember who I am anymore

Often they feel:
- overwhelmed
- worried
- like a failure
- out of balance
- angry
- guilty
- lost
- like they can't silence the chaos in their heads

Often they say the WANT to feel:
- happy
- content
- calm
- in control
- peaceful
- energy
- focused

So they get in touch.... we chat on the phopne for about 1/2 an hour to see if we'd be a good fit to work together and then we do...

And when we're done they say things like:
- Thankyou for finding ME in ME so my family could have the best ME I could be.  OMG how luck I am to have met and engaged in the amazingness you have to offer me and so many others.
- I am coping at work!
- I am coping with the kids, I hadly yell at all, in fact the kids have been brilliant for ages.
- I'm not cranky anymore
- There's no fights, no anger, no bitterness,  no resentment, no disappointment anymore
- you've worked a miracle and I really appreciate it.

THIS is what I do.  Work with women to remind them how to find their happy hearts...  feels like togetherness... feels like freedom...

So there ya go Rochelle that's what I do.  If you wanna know HOW I do it, let's chat?  No pushy bossy stuff, just chat.
email me