Monday, March 31, 2014


Ive already posted this
but its that time of the year again !!!!!

We love getting outdoors while the weather is warm. The problem is - so do the mosquitoes. They’re not just annoying; some mozzies can transmit serious diseases. There are simple things you can do to beat the bite! Protect yourself and your family from mosquito-borne disease: • Wear light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing when outdoors. • Use mosquito repellents such as areoguard or rid on exposed skin. • Try to limit outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are about (usually dusk and dawn). • Make sure there is no stagnant water where mosquitoes can breed around your home. • On holidays make sure your accommodation is properly fitted with mosquito netting or screens. • Don’t forget the kids – it’s safer to spray or rub insect repellents on their clothes rather than directly onto their skin.
Head lice are small insects that live on the scalp and lay eggs (nits) on the hair and make the scalp itchy. Head lice are common in children. Medicated treatments to kill lice and nits are available, at the chemist, however, there is resistance to over-the-counter insecticide shampoos and lotions. Another option is to apply a thick layer of conditioner and leave it for 30 mins then comb the hair with a nit comb. If you use conditioner, apply the product to dry hair. For shampoos, wet the hair, but use the least amount of water possible. This method can be used every second day until no live lice have been found for 10 days. Medicated insecticide treatment must involve two applications, seven days apart. Each time you need to use a lice treatment change the brand as this provides more effective treatment. There is no need to treat the whole family, unless they also have head lice.

The walking dead

Can't believe everyone survived the season finale of the walking dead!
Best show ever
Hurry up October :)

Monday, March 3, 2014